How to Check if String Is a Number C++
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- C++ Howtos
- Determine if a String Is a Number in C++
Determine if a String Is a Number in C++
Created: September-24, 2020 | Updated: March-30, 2021
- Use
Method to Determine if a String Is a Number - Use
to Determine if a String Is a Number - Use
Method to Determine if a String Is a Number
This article explains how to find out if a given C++ string is a number. Before we dig in, it should be noted that the following methods are only compatible with single-byte character strings and decimal integral numbers.
Use std::isdigit
Method to Determine if a String Is a Number
The first version is probably the most obvious way to implement the solution. Namely, pass a string as a parameter to a function isNumber
, which iterates over every single char
in the string
and checks with isdigit
method. When it finds the first non-number the function returns false, if none is found returns true.
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl using std::string; bool isNumber(const string& str) { for (char const &c : str) { if (std::isdigit(c) == 0) return false; } return true; } int main(){ string str1 = "231524randstr23"; string str2 = "23152423"; string str3 = "a3152423"; isNumber(str1) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str2) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str3) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Not number Number Not number
Notice that we output verdict on each string
via ? :
ternary conditional operator, which is a concise variant of if-else
Use std::isdigit
With std::ranges::all_of
to Determine if a String Is a Number
The previous method was quite basic for the mighty C++, so let's implement a more eloquent solution using C++20 method std::ranges::all_of
and some lambda expressions. In our case ranges::all_of
checks if the specified lambda returns true for every element of the given range s.begin(), s.end()
and returns true if condition is satisfied.
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl using std::string; bool isNumber(const string& s) { return std::ranges::all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), [](char c){ return isdigit(c) != 0; }); } int main(){ string str1 = "231524randstr23"; string str2 = "23152423"; string str3 = "a3152423"; isNumber(str1) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str2) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str3) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Use find_first_not_of
Method to Determine if a String Is a Number
This version utilizes a built-in string
search algorithm. The algorithm searches for the first character equal to none of the characters in string
passed as an argument (in our case - "0123456789"
). If the character is not found, string::npos
is returned, thus we return the result of comparison from isNumber
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl using std::string; bool isNumber(const string& str) { return str.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == string::npos; } int main(){ string str1 = "231524randstr23"; string str2 = "23152423"; string str3 = "a3152423"; isNumber(str1) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str2) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; isNumber(str3) ? cout << "Number\n" : cout << "Not number\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
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How to Check if String Is a Number C++