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Repetition in Let America Be America Again

Short Summary

Langston Hughes is writing a poem of someone who feels that America does non live up to what information technology should be. The tone is aroused and resentful. He points to the people who've come here with hopes and dreams and they're being let downwards. He's also saying that there is an economic disparity betwixt people. In essence, the rich get richer, and the poor go poorer, because there is non equal opportunity.


Let America Be America Once more Summary

Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the patently Seeking a domicile where he himself is free.

America never was America to me.

Permit America exist the dream the dreamers. Let it be that neat stiff land of love. Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme. That any man be crushed by i above.

It never was America to me.

O, let my land be a state where Liberty Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath, Just opportunity is existent, and life is gratuitous, Equality is in the air we breathe.

There'southward never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free."

Say, who are you that mumbles in the night? And who are you that draws your veil across the stars? I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart, i am the black man begetting slavery's scars.

I am the red human being driven from the land, I am the immigrant clutching the promise I seek—And finding only the same old stupid plan. Of domestic dog eat canis familiaris, of mighty trounce the weak.

I am the young human being, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that aboriginal endless concatenation Of profit, ability, proceeds, of grab the country!

Of take hold of the gold! Of catch the means of satisfying need! Of work the men! Of take the pay! Of owning everything for ane's own greed!

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil. I am the worker sold to the machine. I am the blackness man, servant to y'all all. I am the people, apprehensive, hungry, mean— Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten even so today—O, Pioneers!

I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years. Yet I'm the one who dreamt our bones dream In the Old Globe while still a serf of kings, Who dreamt a dream then strong, and so brave, so truthful, That fifty-fifty all the same its mighty daring sings In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned

That's made America the state it has become. O, I'k the man who sailed those early bounding main. In search of what I meant to be my home—

For I'm the 1 who left dark Ireland's shore, And Poland's plain, and England's grassy lea, And torn from Black Africa's strand I came To build a "homeland of the costless."

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The gratuitous? Who said the free? Not me? Surely not me? The millions on relief today? The millions shot down when we strike? The millions who have nothing for our pay?

For all the dreams we've dreamed And all the songs we've sung, And all the hopes we've held And all the flags we've hung, The millions who accept nothing for our pay— Except the dream that's almost dead today.

O, let America be America once again— The land that never has been withal— And yet must be—the land where every man is costless.

The land that'southward mine—the poor man'southward, Indian's, Negro's, ME— Who fabricated America, Whose sweat and claret, whose faith and pain, Whose manus at the foundry, whose turn in the rain,

Must bring dorsum our mighty dream once more. Sure, call me any ugly name y'all cull— The steel of freedom does non stain. From those who live like leeches on the people'due south lives,

Nosotros must take back our state over again, America!

O, yes, I say information technology obviously, America never was America to me, And all the same I swear this oath— America will exist! Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, The abuse and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies.

We, the people, must redeem. The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.

The mountains and the endless plain.

All, all the stretch of these great greenish states.

Line By Line

1-5 : The reader is immediately introduced to the fact that the writer does not believe that America is all it can be due to the fact that the word "again" is used. He wants America to be "the dream information technology used to be." But the powerful line is #5 which reads "America was never America." This voices what many people feel: that America's ideals of equality, liberty, and freedom don't seem real.

6-10 : In a sense, at that place is a positive tone because there is a promise that America tin be a "great stiff land of love," simply and so it he uses words and phrases like "kings connive," "tyrant'south scheme,'' and "crushed." Therefore, he conveys that at that place are people in ability who are in control and deprive others of opportunities. Line ten repeats the idea that America isn't what it could exist for him. So, lines #v and #10 share the same message.

11-14 : Liberty, which is another discussion for freedom, is of import in the dream America holds and then preciously. The Statue of Freedom is a symbol of America. It was a welcoming site for people who immigrated here. So, it is a symbol of America and holds promise of what America represents. Hughes wants an America that is "crowned with no imitation patriotic wreathe." And then, he wants a existent, patriotic, truthful America, with no false promises.

15-16: This is a repeat of the message from lines #v and #ten—hat equality doesn't be for him.

17-19 : This poses the thought of darkness and something veiled, similar thought of freedom for him is nighttime or blocked.

20-25: In this stanza, we learn that this is not just near one group of people. Hughes is speaking for many who aren't included in America'due south reality—poor whites, African Americans, American Indians, and immigrants are all groups who've been left out.

26-32 : The cardinal message hither is one of greed. Money is at the center of what America has become. Hughes feels that "power, gain" and owning property is the focus. It's all about money. He says in line #32 "Of owning everything for one'south ain greed!" To him, that'southward what America has become.

33-40 : To personalize and requite a face to people who aren't a part of the American Dream, he uses the words "I am" over and over. Whether ane is a farmer or a worker, he says "I am the people" and says that those in this position are getting mad and hungry, and experience "beaten" on line #38. It's actually maxim that some people are working hard, but the dream isn't there for them.

41-52: This makes the poem well-nigh the individual. Hughes says "I'one thousand the one…" and "I'm the man…" and "I came" and "I meant " to limited the fact that people came here with loftier hopes and big dreams, whether as immigrants from Ireland, Poland, England—or "torn" from Africa and forced into slavery here. All should accept a "homeland of the free."

53: "The free!" This says it all—the fact that nosotros should all be free in every way: legally, socially, economically, to bask America on equal level.

54-63: Hughes is coming back and saying sarcastically that he wouldn't say at that place is liberty. He is speaking for the "millions" of people who accept been struggling, hoping, working, and flight American flags, "who have nothing" except for dreams that are "almost dead." Simply, the fact that he uses the word almost shows a little hope. It reminds us of how happy and meaningful it was for many people when Obama was elected. It gave people the hope that they needed.

64-74: Langston Hughes is saying that America needs to be what it hasn't been yet, a place "where every man is free." He capitalizes the word "me" on line #69, considering he desperately wants to realize the American dream. Again, we see hope when he says "bring back our mighty dream over again."

75-eighty: Reclaiming the thought of America is the idea here. It has to be for anybody.

81-85: Hopes resonates hither. Langston Hughes ends this with a sense of hope by saying "And however I article of clothing this adjuration-America volition be!" on lines #84-85

86-94: "Nosotros the people, must redeem" is powerful. It's a strong, passionate message that America must be more than than information technology is, and that information technology tin exist!

Literary Devices

Stanzas: Stanzas split up the parts of the poem. Yet, his stanzas vary in length. The variation depends on the message. In that location is no exact number of lines to each one.

Rhyme: Hughes uses rhyme to depict attention to the poetic element of his message. Words such equally "be" and "gratis" in lines 2 and four, "dreamed" and "schemed" in lines 6 and eight, and "wreathe" and "breathe" in lines 12 and 14, all demonstrate rhyming.

Repetition: Repetition is used for effect here with variations of the message that freedom doesn't be for Hughes. To be specific, line v says "America never was America for me." Line ten says "Information technology never was America for me." His refrain here is the main theme: that he hasn't felt a part of the American dream. That's why it'southward set apart from other lines, for emphasis.

Metaphor: Hughes uses the word automobile on line 34 when he says, "I am the worker sold to the machine." The motorcar is a metaphor for the American system that has let him down.

Alliteration: The phrase on line #4 represents alliteration. Information technology says "dream the dreamers dreamed." Some other example is on line #11 with "O, permit my land be a state where liberty," and "alive like leeches on the people's lives", on lines #77-78.

Point of View: Told in the kickoff person. Uses the word "I' throughout.

Extended Metaphor: America is used as an extended metaphor because it is a word used throughout the poem with many comparisons of what it should be. It should be a state of the free on line #4, opportunity on line #13, equality on line #14, and a homeland on line #52.

Figurative Language/Dialogue: As language that evokes mental images and sensory impressions, lines #17-19 evoke the images of darkness and veils. Information technology says, "Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark? And who are you lot that draws your veil across the stars?" This question stands out from the poem in that its font is different, it is spoken equally dialogue, and information technology draws the reader to an image that evokes darkness and something covered, similar the dream of America is covered up or dark to certain people.

Imagery: Hughes uses imagery throughout the verse form to brand it speak to the reader. For example, he uses "slavery's scars" on line #21, "the fellow, full of strength and hope" on line #26, "catch the gilt" on line #29.

Theme: The central theme is that the writer feels left out of the American Dream. He likewise feels that it's true for other minorities and those who don't accept the money, land, or power.

Tone: The tone is anger, with a piffling hope at the end.

Elizabeth on October 17, 2018:

I love this poem because it has hope and I like every stanza.

Leseana on Apr 17, 2017:

Iv'e e'er loved this verse form, I cited this verse form is a regions speech contest. This verse form speaks to my people. Every fourth dimension I read this poem it brings emotion.

Madyson on February 26, 2017:

What does it mean to draw a veil beyond the stars?

BOB on December xiv, 2016:

Where are the sound devices, and the figurative language located in this verse form?

Caleb on February xvi, 2016:

Thanks for the assay man. Really appreciate it.

Brandon from Houston, Texas on July 23, 2015:


BrotherFromAnotherMother on February 18, 2015:

very truthful

THAT GUY on Jan 27, 2015:


Mylindaminka on Apr xxx, 2013:

К преимуществам щелочной химической завивки Относятся Прочные локоны (обычно держатся дольше); возможность обработки при комнатной температуре. Щелочную химическую завивку применяют для укладки волос, плохо поддающихся обработке, а также для того, чтобы получить тутой завиток, если прежде у клиента перманент получался слишком слабым.

Futamarka on March 31, 2013:

Плиты геля парик (эпиляционный, похотливый пенопарфюмсмех) применяются для теплодепиляции полов а, так же теплодепиляции полов специального назначения: Хотя часто приходится слышать, что цифры беспристрастны, мне кажется, что это не совсем так. Трудно не согласиться с тем, что цифры сами по себе не имеют эмоциональной окраски. А вот когда они становятся индексами каких-то характеристик, то их нейтральность часто улетучивается. Конечно же, мы реагируем не на цифры, а на то, что за ними стоит и на то, что стимулирует наши размышления и воображение. Здесь приведены данные из исследований, проводившихся в США за последние несколько лет.

PadaOthehal on March 08, 2013:

My partner and i accustomed to receive loftier on living notwithstanding recently We have accumulated the level of resistance.

Jovi Romeo on August 25, 2012:

Greetings from Nigeria. Your analysis of Langston Hughes' poem is elucidatory and graphic.

romper20 (author) from California on June 22, 2012:

I am glad to assist Kaya, thank you for the comment!

Kaya on May 21, 2012:

I am going to write some kind of a written examination virtually langston hughes and his poems tomorrow and this actually helped me to understand his intentions!

Hopefully this poem is going to be the main topic :D...

Thanks and greetz from federal republic of germany.

romper20 (author) from California on April 27, 2012:

Thanks for the support i hope y'all enjoyed and learned something today :D

mohammed on Apr 26, 2012:

dainty, i liked it

lonnalove on Apr 17, 2012:

this was very insightful for me

romper20 (author) from California on April 03, 2012:

Thank you for the comments

Chris Andrews from Norwalk, Ohio on March 24, 2012:

Langston Hughes is one of my favorite poets. A great interp. thanks for sharing it.

Derrick on February 29, 2012:

Thanks for your analysis of this verse form. You gave a very true description of the writers thought. I really enjoyed it and all the other comments. Thank you.

romper20 (author) from California on Feb 29, 2012:

Cheers everyone

JDJ on February 28, 2012:

Very squeamish

Annie from NewYork on Oct 23, 2011:

informative.. vote up

romper20 (author) from California on September 17, 2011:

I appreciate the comments and yep the poem actually stands for itself.

MALAK on May 21, 2011:

LE AMERICA Be AMERICA Once again IS A Verse form THAT SHOWS AMERICAN Social club AS Information technology IS,Information technology IS REALISTC DEPICTION OF AMERICAN'Due south Alive

Nebeolisa Okwudili on Apr 03, 2011:

A beautiful poem that all literature students should read, it contains as much exemplarry figurative expressions as you want, refining. I love it everytime I read it, doling more meanings afresh as I do.

P. Thorpe Christiansen from Pacific Northwest, U.s. on February 06, 2011:

Wonderful, I dearest the poetry of Langston Hughes. Keen hub.

romper20 (author) from California on November thirteen, 2010:

Petra your right, and thank you for taking the time to read information technology!

Petra Vlah from Los Angeles on October 16, 2010:

I will have to await up the poem, simply from your detailed account it seems that I would hold with most of the poet'southward views. I take experimented myself the "dream" and more than once I was awakened by the nightmare of hypocrisy.

I tin't recall any other country in history that in only 200 short years has acquired more pain for its ain people and the rest of the world, while wrapping itself in slogans of commonwealth, justice and greatness'.

romper20 (writer) from California on June eleven, 2010:

Thanks Erik!

Erik on June 08, 2010:

Great work!

romper20 (author) from California on June 07, 2010:

Thanks so much Micky, its very true...


Micky Dee on June 04, 2010:

Equality doesn't exist for likewise many of us. Very nice work! Information technology'due south all truthful. Thank yous!

Marking Chen on June 03, 2010:

Very nice thanks for sharing :)

I actually enjoyed.

romper20 (author) from California on May 24, 2010:

Very true Valerie, the fact that we are driven to expectations rather than humanity can be strain-vicious. We can always make up one's mind our paths and destinations.

valeriebelew from Metro Atlanta, GA, USA on May 20, 2010:

I plant this interesting, and pretty much agree with the message of the poem. Nosotros put besides much focus on money, and cheapen most everything else. We bear every bit if anyone who is not financially successful is doing something wrong. Maybe some of the states are more interested in other aspects of life than material possessions. The more nosotros judge people by financial means, the more greed will be a problem, considering people volition want money in club to be respected, every bit well as for the things information technology tin can buy. Good write. (: v

romper20 (author) from California on May 17, 2010:

I do write poetry :) I'll take more hubs coming presently. Thanks for your capeesh answer, it ways a lot. I'll check out a few of your hubs!


Ben Evans on May sixteen, 2010:

Very interesting poem. I liked information technology and I appreciate your analysis. If you lot similar poetry with a historic perspective, y'all may exist interested in reading the Poetry of Jose Rizal. He was a statesman from the Philippines and wrote around the tardily 1800's at a time the Philippines fought confronting spain for independence.

Do you write whatever poetry?
